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Demand for injection molded products and components is at an all time high. As a result, plastic molding facilities — already operating at or close to full capacity — must continue innovating and exploring to meet deadlines, maintain pipeline and reliably keep up with orders. To do so, injection molders have begun looking at ways to expand automation to increase capacity, ease the burden on staff, and continue to operate at peak performance.


Cobots are one of the primary ways to expand the possibilities and effectiveness of automation — even in facilities that have incorporated a high level of automation for years. Collaborative robots handle many operations in molding operations such as polishing, bagging, palletizing, or quality inspection. Productive Robotics collaborative robots provide injection molding automation for the most repetitive, dirty and dull tasks while delivering simplicity, efficiency and safety working alongside personnel.

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Plastic molding automation with cobots introduces numerous benefits for operations:


  • 24/7 “lights out” operation across three shifts

  • Exemplary accuracy and repeatability

  • No breaks, downtime or sick days — keeping blanks loaded onto the machine, finished parts loaded off, and the spindle turning as much as possible


The Productive Robotics “difference” is OB7 robot, a game-changing solution that offers ultimate simplicity, flexibility, and cost-effectiveness. Several of these features include:


  • Seven-axis movement for unparalleled flexibility and freedom of movement, while most other equipment offers a maximum of six axes of movement

  • Simple set up, without the need of programming knowledge — simply “teach” OB7 where to move, and OB7 learns. 

  • Seamlessly move from job to job —  with a wheeled base, small footprint and fast, easy integration with any of the existing processes in your facility


What can OB7 do? With no programming and easy setup, the list of potential applications and uses is vast.


Typical tasks for OB7 are as follows:


  • Packaging, auto bagging, and palletizing processes

  • Machine tending and part loading

  • Adhesive dispensing and gluing

  • Facilitating inspection and QC by staging material


Introduce or Expand Your Automation Today


At Productive Robotics, our team is deeply familiar with the logistical aspects of a project such as expanding automation. We design our products as well as our sales services to make the process as easy and simple as possible so that you begin seeing ROI quickly. We’re ready to answer any automation questions that you may have. 


To learn more about how we can help you, contact us today.

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